Vacation Rental Retreat

Why a vacation rental?

Vacation Rental Retreats offer the best of all possibilities and accomplish a great simply in it’s structure.

While we make sure everyone has their own room for personal space, they must share their living space. It is amazingly beneficial to have everyone sharing the cooking duties, eating together and sharing living space.

Additionally, while evenings are traditionally ‘downtime’ for participants where everyone goes their separate ways, at a vacation rental a great deal of work is accomplished simply sittng around and chatting, watching TV or playing a simply game.

How it works

We find and rent a vacation rental home for your group. Each person gets their own room for personal space for their needs..

However, the facilitator does not stay at the house. We have found it is necessary to keep the famliarity level to a minimum beween your group and our facilitator.


This can literally be anywhere in the world you wish. We have recently rented fantastic homes on the Oregon Coast, the shores of Lake Michigan, in the mountains around Sedona, AZ, mountain retreats outside of Anchorage, the Gold County of the western Sierras, the list goes on.

How much does it cost?

This varies greatly upon where you wish the retreat to be and how many individuals will be attending.

However, we find that it is far less expensive than providing a room for each person, as well as food and beverage. At a home, we simply purchase all the food and beverage and make the food ourselves.

Again, while it is nice that making and eatind meals saves time and money, it is truly one of the best parts of the retreat.

Contact us today to book your next retreat!

Contact us today to book your next retreat!