Coaching from Be Legendary
Everyone needs a great coach!
And the world needs more of YOU in it. Not just any part of you – the very best of you. When you are at your very best, you have an incredible ability to impact those around you in a meaningful way.
We work with executives to unleash their Legendary Potential – the very best of who you are and whom you have hidden out of fear.
There are four basic coaching formats we use:
Team Coaching
Facilitated sessions to help guide the team and achieve the desired outcomes for the sessions.
The benefit of having an outsider are dramatic when you have a group with low trust, miscommunication and poor history with each other.
An outside facilitator, or coach, can help point out strengths and challenges without political repercussions and help put your team on the right track.
This is scheduled where you are going to be – retreat, offsite or in your office.
A single session can be valuable, but multiple sessions are a better use of everyone’s time.
Legendary Coaching
A mixture of executive coaching, life coaching and Legendary Leadership to bring out the untapped potential within a person.
In Legendary Coaching, we cover all aspects of life and integrate our Be Legendary philosphy:
Legendary 20/20 Vision – the equivalent of being near and far sighted.
Completing the statement, “If I accomplish nothing else in this life, I will _____”, and then finding the ‘pennies’, or small actions, to pick up that will get you to your Legendary Intent
Strategies to manage your energy, including rituals to keep you in top performance at all times.
Discovering how best to use your strengths and skills to create a meaningful difference in the world.
Laser Coaching
You have a single challenge and need a solution – fast.
We speak with you, usually on the phone, to understand the sitatuation and then work with you to find or discover it.
This all happens on a single call and we bill per session. A session could be as short as 15 minutes or as long as 4 hours. We speak until we are done.
Each session is $350 for a Junior Consultant and $500 for a Senior Consultant.
Call us for the first complimentary consultation. If you find value, either a longer engagement or executive team building makes sense.
A complimentary session of Laser Coaching is where almost all of our Executive Engagements begin.
Executive Coaching
In many cases, some traditional executive coaching is necessary to fully integrate your Legendary Potential into your worklife.
This is a VERY good thing!
Questioning what you are doing, how you might be communicating, extending trust, deepening relationships and many other critical skill areas for an executive is not just an exercise, but a requirement.
When you learn to connect your Legendary Potential with your executive skills, you become an incredible leader, mentor, coach, team member and person.
You also become an incredibly valuable member of any executive team in the future.