Fort Knox Kit
We know how scary it can be to try new activities. Don’t worry, we have tried and tested all of these and use ALL of them in our own facilitations.
With the key to Fort Knox, you receive an incredible repository of information to create the perfect event for your group.
Just like Fort Knox in Kentucky, this kit is filled with solid gold – all the activities are proven by years of experience with thousands of participants.
We have sold over 500 of these kits to every industry you can imagine – Fortune 100 trainers, educators and military (and they already every cool training tool you can imagine.
What do I get?
- Includes 50 lbs.of events in rolling duffel bags, stuffed with the events below and a field guide with concise instruction to setup, run and debrief each event.
- Unlimited telephone and email support from a professional facilitator.
- Field Guide Book, a digital PDF that you can download immediately.
- Two-year 100% money-back guarantee. Meaning, if for any reason you do not like what you have purchased you may return it within two years and receive 100% of the purchase price.
- Lifetime replacement. Our products are assembled from the highest quality materials. If something breaks, we will replace it. Free, including UPS Ground shipping.
More Details…
- The Key to Fort Knox includes a Field Guide that has concise instructions and will have you up and running in minutes.
- Many events are put together so all you have to do is put included laminated instructions on top of the materials and tell the group to go. No instruction or set up needed!
- Each activity is stored in individual grab-bags that keep materials organized and easy to find.
- Activities can be held in a conference room, classroom, or out in nature.
Fort Knox Loot:
- Alphabet Soup
- Bull Ring
- Chain Of Command
- China Syndrome
- Don’t Touch Me
- Get It Together
- Knot or NOT a Knot
- Knot A Team
- Learning aze
- Let Go My Ego
- Perfect Square
- River Crossing
- Search & Rescue
- Supply Chain
- Team Shackles
- Tied In Knots
- Trust Walk
- Win Win Win
What are these exercises for?
Event Objectives
Alphabet Soup
This event is designed to stimulate dialogue about how team members work together to be more efficient and effective. This event could reveal some learning related to continual improvement. What is the best way for this team to get the job done? They may learn the answer after this activity.
Bull Ring
Moving a ball from one spot to another using a ring and some rope is the object of Bull Ring. Although initially appearing quite easy, we have provided instructions and materials to help increase the difficulty on a whim.
‘Bull Ring’ is an icebreaker thatis 100% fun and heightens communication within teams. Group synergy is at the core of this game and it provides the foundation for participants to learn to work together and to act as a team. This is a fun activity that your group will not forget and relates easily back to work.
Chain of Command
This event is designed to get the group interacting and having fun while recognizing the need for good communication, leadership and teamwork. Additionally, participants will recognize the inherent difficulties in some organization structures, such as the typically hierarchy and the ‘Chain of Command’. This event is a great way to get people touching each other without being threatened.
China Syndrome
This event is often considered impossible in the beginning and can be very stressful. Creativity, coordination, communication, leadership, perseverance, determination and many other team and personal skills will be put to the test during this activity. It is important for teams to find different ways to look at situations and support each other even when there is no clear path and no one is the expert.
Don’t Touch Me
Don’t Touch Me will challenge the team to think outside the box and challenge the actual and implied rules. Warning: this event can lead to major paradigm shift. Once a team discovers the self-imposed rules they will begin to see the solutions.
Get It Together
The purpose of this exercise is to practice clear communication and develop keys to trust during challenging and confusing times. In organizations, workers are often considered students and administrators are usually coaches. This event will remind people in each position what the other role feels like and lend insights to improving relations between the two.
Group Juggling
If inter-departmental communication and processes are your office bugbear, then opt for ‘Group Juggling’ and you will soon witness all round improvements back at the work place. ‘Group Juggling’ is an icebreaker and customer service activity that is 100% fun and heightens communication within teams. Group synergy is at the core of this game and it provides the foundation for participants to learn to work together and to act as a team.
As one person puts their safety in your team, how are you supporting them? Are you truly committed? Highwire will challenge the team’s problem solving capabilities as well as its perseverance. It is designed to remove the natural leader from their role and create space for new leaders to emerge. This is a physical activity that everyone can participate in that puts safety on focus. Highwire also creates the need for commitment from each member of the team to achieve the goal.
Knot A Team
The purpose of this exercise is to bring group members closer together. Physically they will be close together, and the reality of their interdependence is played out in this game. Touch creates a setting for cohesiveness and teamwork, and begins breaking down the invisible walls we have around us. The tools it will take to unravel the knot are the same tools needed to overcome challenges the company or team will face.
Knot or NOT a Knot
Does the group Stand Together or Stand Apart?
That is the crux of this activity and makes for a great metaphor. Throughout the short activity, individuals will have to make a decision about the length of rope in front of them. Does the pile of rope have a knot, or not?
As the group progresses through a series of these decisions and short activities, they learn that listening to instructions, as well as standing together as a group, is key to their success.
This becomes a fantastic metaphor for the group moving forward and has become a unifying theme for groups that become teams.
Let Go My Ego
The power of each person to influence the success of the team is never clearer than in this activity. Overcoming frustration and resisting the temptation to blame each other will be key to moving the bar in the direction you choose.
People can find themselves sacrificing their integrity and doing the opposite of their intention. The team members must work through frustrations and differences of opinions to solve this magically difficult event. Have fun and don’t blame it on My Ego!
Learning Maze
The application of the Learning Maze is in every area of our lives. The meaning each group discovers is always different. The basic purpose of the maze comes down to identifying how the team is treating its “mistakes” and the people who are discovering them. Stepping into the unknown is necessary for any team to grow and move ahead, how are they doing in the process? This event will shed some light on the teams process.
Knot A Team
The purpose of this exercise is to bring group members closer together. Physically they will be close together, and the reality of their interdependence is played out in this game. Touch creates a setting for cohesiveness and teamwork, and begins breaking down the invisible walls we have around us. The tools it will take to unravel the knot are the same tools needed to overcome challenges the company or team will face.
Perfect Square
The Perfect Square is another easy event that can be very powerful. The leadership that will emerge and the group participation (or lack thereof) will always reveal interesting insights and draw out learning from the team members. Interdependence is clear in this activity and group consensus can be difficult to reach, but very important.
River Crossing
River Crossing requires clear communication as well as the passing of critical information from person to person. This event will show what happens when there are gaps in communication and the resulting frustration will be a source of long dialogue.
The goal of the exercise is to have the entire team involved, demonstrate the power of teamwork and show the interdependence teams have. This is a fun activity that your group will not forget and relates easily back to work.
Search & Rescue
The art of cooperation is something we are taught as children. The goal here is to have the entire team involved, demonstrate the power of teamwork and show the interdependence teams have. You may use many variations of this activity to achieve different outcomes.
Supply Chain
The purpose of this exercise is to physically demonstrate the metaphor that every member of a team is an important “link in the chain.” This event is also a good way to examine individual team member’s sense of value and accountability to their team.
Team Shackles
If people in your organization tend to work in isolation or in ‘compartments’, if information sharing or seeking a co-worker’s counsel is non-existent, then you need Team Shackles. Team Shackles can bring about a paradigm shift in attitudes toward fellow workers. The game demonstrates how the whole team can benefit if there is willingness to seek and give help. It will also build confidence within the group and disprove the notion that some things are impossible.
Tied In Knots
Decision-making and consensus building techniques go hand-in-hand. Tied in Knots will facilitate decision making as a group. The challenge in this game is posed by a series of ropes. The exercise is designed with 10 levels of difficulty. Not only will the levels add to the excitement of the challenge but will also help participants discover their own managerial strengths.
In the course of finding solutions, participants recognize the best techniques that work for them in-group decision-making. This game will tap into problem solving skills and the ability to reason, critically assess and arrive at a solution
Trust Walk
This is one of the most powerful and, ironically, one of the simplest events. Trust Walk is about leading, following, trusting and communicating. Many styles emerge during this event. Some find it difficult to be responsible for another person’s safety and others find it exhilarating. To trust or give up control can be very hard for some people. Whatever the experience, the Trust Walk is a powerful learning opportunity.
Win Win Win
One of our customer’s favorite activities, Win Win Win challenges the participants to think of themselves as one large group instead of smaller groups. In the beginning they compete fiercely to score points, but by the end they experience the value of collaborating. It is easy to slip into competition and not recognize when collaboration works best, especially with how organizations are structured into departments or workteams. Win Win Win will challenge the group to see past this and have fun at the same time.