Repario specializes in adult team building activities that are designed to inspire better communication and effecient problem solving. We firmly believe that team building activities for adult offer a unique opportunity for building effective work teams. Below are some examples of how we implement our adult team building activities.
Repario Adult Team Building Activities
The term ‘adult team building activities’ is searched by people trying to activities to run with adults that won’t make adults look dumb.
We all hope to find team building activities that adults will be wowed by. But in reality team building activities for children will work just as well.
Occasionally, we use extremely simple team building activities on purpose. But what seem like easy activities are often very difficult.
One of our easiest adult team building activities, El Nino, is also the most difficult. Adults just assume it’s an easy activity and do not take time to think about what’s necessary to succeed.
Another of our adult team building activities, Don’t Touch Me, appears to be an easy activity. But we have run children and adults together and within minutes adults are watching children to get ideas about how to complete the activity!
But adult team building activities must be chosen carefully to reflect current situations at work. While children are better at the activities, adults want time spent to mean something.
Our adult team building activities are very meaningful. They offer great metaphors to begin meaningful discussion of similar problems at work.
If you need help choosing adult team building activities, our facilitators are available to help. They will help find the perfect adult team building activities for your unique situation.
Adult team building activities – Resources: